3 Best Supplements for Seniors
Featured · 5 days ago
Supplements can help stave off some of the declines of age such as slower cognition, stiff joints, and weak bones by filling in critical gaps in nutrition. In this article, we’ll explore the top three supplements for seniors.
Back Pain: John's Story
John came to us after a severe back spasm left him bedridden for days. As soon as he called our office, we made room in our schedule to make sure John got the care he needed to get back on his feet again.
Standard Process E-Z Mg™ Organic Vs. Standard Process Magnesium Lactate
Choosing a magnesium supplement can be hard. With a lot of products on the market, and a lot of confusing language around which formulation works best, it can feel overwhelming to settle on a supplement. Compare two leading magnesium products from Standard Process to learn the difference and find the right supplement for your lifestyle.
Standard Process E-Z Mg™ Organic: Benefits, Ingredients, and Where to Buy
Magnesium matters, and not just to your high school chemistry teacher–it’s an essential nutrient, involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Name an organ system, and you’ll find magnesium involved. It’s in our bones, in our brains, in our muscles, and in our bloodstream, building proteins and helping keep our nerves and tendons healthy.
Standard Process Pneumotrophin PMG®: Benefits, Side Effects, Ingredients, and Where to Buy
Standard Process Pneumotrophin PMG® is a proprietary bovine lung extract formulated to support lung health. Learn what this supplement is, the benefits of supplementation, common side effects, and ingredients.
Hormone Issues: Amanda's Story
Hormone issues and imbalances can strike at any time, and their repercussions can be serious. For Amanda, hormonal imbalance symptoms started with fatigue but grew into dangerous mood swings that disrupted her life.
Are Your Hormones Healthy? Five Signs and Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal imbalances can leave you feeling like a shell of your former self. In this article, we'll cover how hormones shape our health and five commons signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalances in both men and women.
What is Standard Process Zypan®?: Uses, Benefits, and Ingredients
Standard Process Zypan® is a digestive enzyme supplement designed to help the body breakdown food–especially the fats, proteins, and complex carbohydrates that stress out our digestive systems and make us gassy.
What is Standard Process Zymex®II?: Uses, Ingredients, and Side Effects
Standard Process Zymex®II offers digestion support for individuals who are sensitive to acids. It includes several digestive enzymes which facilitate the breakdown and absorption of macronutrients including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and cellulose.
Top 5 Energy Supplements Without Caffeine
Our top five energy supplements without caffeine can help boost your body’s natural energy cycle, without becoming addictive. Whether you’re trying to kick the coffee habit altogether, or just find a healthier alternative, caffeine-free energy supplements can help you stay awake, stay productive, and stay energized.
Low Energy: New Parents Testimony
When Mary and Aaron had twins, they had twice the joy but also twice the responsibility. Luckily, as long-term clients of Snow Holistic Health, they were ready to take on the challenge! Thanks to Dr. Snow’s clinical nutrition care, Mary and Aaron have the energy they need to keep up with parenting.
Family Healing: Patient Testimony
Jennifer initially came to us for her son, Jamie. He was timid, anxious, and struggling in school. But Jennifer was struggling, too: tired, lethargic, and frequently on the verge of passing out, she knew that she and her sons needed help. Watch their story.
What is Standard Process Catalyn®?: Uses, Benefits, and Multivitamin Ingredients
Did you know that only 1 in 10 Americans are eating enough vegetables? For many of us, multivitamins like Standard Process Catalyn® offer a convenient way to help bridge the nutrition gap. But with so many multivitamins on the market, what sets Standard Process Catalyn® apart?
Pulled Muscle: Patient Testimony
One of our long-term clients, Paul initially came to us for a pulled muscle in his back. Even after his muscle healed, he stayed with us for regular chiropractic adjustments and nutrition counseling. This is his story.
Is Tongkat Ali Safe?: Side Effects, Dosage, and Cycling
Tongkat Ali, also known as longjack, Malaysian ginseng, and tung saw, is an herbal supplement derived from the roots of the Eurycoma longifolia plant. Tongkat Ali is often used to increase testosterone production, but it can also be used to boost athletic performance, relieve stress, and increase male libido.
Aches and Pains: Patient Testimony
John initially came to us for age-related aches and pains, but he's stayed with us for regular appointments, nutrition, and supplement plans, along with his wife and kids!
Top Five Inflammation-Fighting Supplements You've Never Heard Of
You’ve heard of turmeric and Vitamin D for inflammation control, but what about Tongkat Ali and Coenzyme 10? In this article, we’ll cover five inflammation-fighting supplements that are often overlooked, despite their powerful antioxidant capabilities.
Detox: Patient Testimony
Sheila is one of our long-term nutrition and chiropractic patients. She's been coming to see us since August 2016, and since then we've helped her with a number of issues. With the help of our clinical nutrition care and the Standard Process 28-Day Detox kit, Sheila was able to lose weight, regain energy, and sleep.
Antronex®: Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects
In this article, we’ll explore the common uses, benefits, and side effects of Standard Process Antronex®, including common questions and concerns. What is Antronex®? Standard Process Antronex® is an extract derived from bovine liver fat that supports liver health and the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms.
Anxiety: Patient Testimony
Stephanie came to us with severe anxiety, low energy, debilitating lower back pain, and a will to get better. After a preliminary blood test revealed issues with her adrenals, we built a personalized holistic health plan and in only a few months, Stephanie was calmer, more energetic, and able to enjoy life again.
Tongkat Ali: Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects
Tongkat ali is a natural herbal supplement derived from the roots of the Eurycoma longifolia, or longjack, plant. Eurycoma longifolia is a flowering shrub native to Southeast Asia. In the United States, tongkat ali is often used as a supplement for stress relief, testosterone support, and healthy male libido.
Plantar Fasciitis: Patient Testimony
Meet Nancy: her son is a construction worker in his mid-40’s. A few years ago, he came home for ...
Can you be addicted to sugar?
Mother Nature invented that rewarding pleasure — the dopamine hit — to ...
ACTION PLAN: Dr. Robert Lustig on the Huberman Lab
This week, we listened to the Huberman Lab with Dr. Robert Lustig, M.D., neuroendocrinologist, p...
5 Best Supplements for Mental Health
If you’re struggling with your mental health, you’re not alone. According to the World Health Org...
Why Big Food Companies Want You To Keep Eating Sugar
The average American consumes 17 teaspoons of sugar daily, well above the suggested amount of 6-...
Using Sugar to Cope with Stress?
Do stress and low mood make you reach for sweets? Perhaps low serotonin be the culprit behind you...
5 Signs You're Living a Low Energy Lifestyle
Feeling tired? It might be more serious than stress or poor sleep. Here are five common signs tha...
Are You Making These Five Common Back Pain Mistakes?
These back pain mistakes are common than you think. Here are five quick tips to help you identify and avoid them.
7 Benefits of Algae & How to Pick the Best One
Did you know that algae can offer a wealth of health benefits? Algae is a type of plant found in ...
Stopping Coffee: Energizing Alternatives
Statistics show that coffee is consumed by 30-40% of the world’s population every day. In the US ...
The Surprising Benefits of Fermentation
Fermentation is a process that has been used for centuries to preserve food. But what many people...
Only 1 in 10 Adults Getting Daily Requirement of Fruits & Veggies Says CDC
According to the CDC, only about 1 in 10 adults get their daily requirements of fruit and vegetab...
Magnesium: 9 Signs That You're Deficient and How to Replenish
It's difficult to understate the importance of magnesium. This mineral is involved in over 300 bi...
Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen Produce List: What's in Your Fridge?
The Environmental Working Group is an organization dedicated to changing food industry standards ...
Understanding the Gut-Brain Connection & How to Make it Work For You
The gut microbiome is akin to a second brain. This second brain is called the enteric nervous sy...
11 Fish Oil Health Benefits, Plus Dosage Recommendations
Research has shown that taking fish oil can prevent several illnesses, such as stroke and heart ...