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With over 30 years of combined Neuromuscular clinical care experience with our team, we offer many types of soft tissue techniques.

SOT® Blocks are wedged-shaped blocks that are placed under the pelvis in a variety of positions either with the patient laying face up or face down, depending on what is indicated by the patient's presentation.
They are very effective with low back pain, hip problems, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, sciatica, and sacroiliac problems - including the hyper-mobile sacroiliac joint. The blocks are gentle. There is no cracking or crunching of the spine with blocks.
Rather, the patient lays on the table and gravity along with the patient's breathing and the direction of the blocks brings the pelvis back into proper position. Tense muscle groups relax bringing muscle tension back into balance. But don't let their gentle nature fool you. The blocks can have profound effects.
The effects of SOT® blocks go beyond simply pain relief, however. They also influence cerebrospinal fluid flow, which is essential to a healthy and well-functioning brain and spinal cord.

Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique
CMRT is the name given to Sacro Occipital Technique Organ therapy. CMRT helps modify nervous system signals to the organs, adjusting the position of internal organs, and adjusting the fascia and other organ-related structures.
The nervous system modification required to return an organ to normal function often involves some form of spinal adjusting as well as reflex adjusting. These reflexes refer to the patterns that the nervous system sets up in association with specific problems in the body.
Eating poorly digestible foods, excess or prolonged stresses, misalignment of the spine and/or extremities, and poor posture are some examples of factors causing dysfunctional internal organs. When a reflex pattern is established, it can be difficult to break up without specific care such as what the practice of CMRT provides.
Everything in the body is connected by way of the nervous system and fascia. Now think of the white film over the muscles when you prepare a raw chicken. That white film is an example of fascia. It's like a bunch of stretchy material protecting and holding together the structures of the body.
Fascia covers each muscle, each organ, each group of muscles, each group of organs and so on. All fascia in the body is connected, like the stretchy material all sewn together. Additionally, the internal organs can be thought of as a plumbing system with a complex computer (the nervous system) running the show. Sit for long periods of time and cut off the bowels – the lower portion of the plumbing system. Slouching pushes the stomach into the esophagus and more. Cut off the flow of the plumbing system in any way and dysfunction can happen. Feedback is given to the nervous system, which sets up a signal pattern. All the internal organs require good nutrition to function well. Furthermore, nutrition can be depleted when any of the organs are not functioning properly. CMRT entails addressing all factors including nutritional correction, misalignment, facial pull, and nervous system communication.

Myofascial Disruption Technique
Myofascial Disruption Technique (MFDT) is a powerful combination of deep tissue trigger point therapy and mobility aimed at addressing the muscular and connective tissue disruptions that can lead to some of the common aches, pains, and injuries that we sometimes experience.
Whether it be from hours of sitting at a desk, doing manual labor, or doing high intensity workouts, our bodies can suffer with muscle soreness, stiffness, trigger points, myofascial bands, mobility problems, muscle weakness, muscle imbalances and poor range of motion.
MFDT is specifically designed to manage all these problems in quick, 10-minute sessions, to help you recover from nagging pain and injuries and get back to normal function faster.
MFDT can address the trigger points and other fascial restrictions created by poor posture that occurs from years of office work. It can improve athletes' performance by keeping muscles and connective tissue activated and free of restrictions, maintain complete range of motion, and remove muscle weaknesses and imbalances. It can also restore muscles that are fatigued from overuse and repetitive strain and help prevent future injuries from occurring.
Other Soft Tissue Modalities
There are many other soft tissue modalities that we offer at our clinic such as:

Rapid Release®️
Rapid Release Therapy is intended for various purposes such as relieving minor aches and pains quickly and relaxing muscles. The technology uses revitalizing vibration therapy to remove tension and relieve pain.

Pulstar® is a multiple impulse therapy tool that uses gentle precision pulses to address pain from musculoskeletal misalignments in the back as well as anywhere else on the body. The system utilizes a computer to analyze your spine and identify tight areas that need treatment.

VibraCussor® is a percussive therapy instrument that uses vibration compression waves to relax tight muscles, break up scar tissue and increase circulation. It works by delivering waves of impulses deep into the body tissues.

ArthroStim® is a special instrument that is extremely gentle and is able to reach areas that most doctors can’t adjust with a manual adjustment. It gives gentle pulsing thrusts in specific areas under the care of the doctor. It is a great advantage for people who are sensitive or in pain or who prefer not to have manual adjustments in certain segments of the spine. It can also be used as a therapy tool with different tips.

Cold Laser
Our Apollo 3 Watt laser system is a low-level cold laser therapy that produces a beam of light that is applied over the injured area to increase blood flow and reduce pain and inflammation and stimulate healing.

Stabilizer Table
Stabilizer Table produces motion in the spine that contributes to the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and essential nutrients throughout the nervous system. Poor movement of this special fluid does not allow the spine to receive the proper level of nutrients, which can lead to degeneration of the discs and vertebrae.
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