Black Walnut and Wormwood Supplements: Uses, Side Effects, and Where to Buy

Black walnut and wormwood: two potent herbal remedies that have been used for centuries to treat illnesses ranging from digestive issues like IBS to pain and inflammation. In isolation, these well-known herbs offer a range of benefits. But together, they offer greater digestive support and even better anti-inflammatory impacts within the GI tract and beyond. Learn how black walnut and wormwood supplements can help support digestion, as well as common side effects and where to buy.
What is Black Walnut?
Black walnuts are the nuts taken from the black walnut tree (Juglans nigra), native to the midwestern United States. Known for their spicy fragrance, gorgeous wood, and tasty nuts, these trees are highly popular among carpenters and cooks alike.
However, black walnuts aren’t just a popular alternative to the more common English walnut; they’re also prized for their anti-bacterial, pain-relieving, and anti-inflammatory properties. Black walnut supplements typically contain extracts derived either from the bark of the tree or the nut hull.
Black walnut is also a common ingredient in Wormwood Complex supplements, which offer a powerful combination of wormwood, black walnut, and clove for enhanced effectiveness.
What is Wormwood?
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a bitter herb with a famous (and fascinating!) history. The wormwood plant is native to Europe, although it can now be found throughout North America, and is readily identified by its silvery stems and feathery green leaves. Best known for its use in absinthe, the bright green liquor popular among 19th century artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Degas, and Edouard Manet, wormwood’s reputation hasn’t always been defined by its medicinal properties.
Like its relatives sage, oregano, and juniper, wormwood is rich in thujone, a bitter-tasting compound that is psychoactive in very high doses (hence the infamous “green lady” hallucinogenic effect of 19th century absinthe).
However, wormwood is also a powerful herbal medicine that has been used to treat digestive complaints, inflammation, and internal parasites for centuries. In fact, the name “wormwood” is derived from its use as a cure for intestinal worms. These days, wormwood supplements contain a therapeutic dose of thujone, far below the toxic (and hallucinogenic) threshold.
Black Walnut and Wormwood Supplement Uses
Together, black walnut and wormwood supplements combine the individual benefits of black walnut and wormwood, offering a more potent combination than a single extract preparation.
Cleanses microbes, bacteria, and parasites
Both black walnut and wormwood have powerful anti-microbial properties that can help rid the digestive tract of harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Wormwood also has anti-parasitic properties.
The active anti-microbial component in black walnuts are a class of astringent compounds called tannins. Tannins are present in numerous plant species and are the same chemicals that give redwood, oakwood, and mahogany their dark reddish or brownish color. Known for their acidity and utility, tannins are beloved for their ability to dye fabrics, flavor casked beverages such as wine, and tan animal hides into leather.
Tannins are also highly valued for their medicinal properties. The tannins present in black walnut have shown anti-bacterial activity against Listeria, Salmonella, and E. coli: bacteria responsible for common foodborne illnesses.
Additionally, black walnut hulls are rich in juglone, an anti-microbial and anti-fungal compound which is often used in the treatment of ringworm and that has been shown to be as effective as commercially available anti-fungal treatments such as zinc undecylenate and selenium sulfide.
Studies show that wormwood contains active phytochemicals and antibacterial compounds that are effective against a number of bacteria, including E. coli, Listeria, and Staphylococcus aureus. Wormwood has also shown to be effective at controlling the fungus Candida albicans, which causes yeast infections and digestive issues.
But perhaps most interesting is wormwood’s use as an anti-parasitic. While studies in human subjects are scarce, wormwood has proved effective at treating tapeworm, trichina worm (which causes trichinosis), and several species of parasitic nematodes common in animals.
Anti-Inflammatory and antioxidant properties
Ready to soothe inflammation, relieve pain, and fight oxidative stress? Look no further than black walnut and wormwood! These herbs are well-known inflammation fighters that are rich in helpful phytonutrients and antioxidants.
Traditionally used to relieve pain and inflammation, black walnut extracts have been shown to limit the production of proinflammatory cytokines–signalling molecules which stimulate inflammation. These anti-inflammatory compounds were present in the nut and include gallic acid, quercetin, and naringin; although, the impact may vary depending on the specific cultivar.
Not to be upstaged, wormwood is no slouch when it comes to anti-inflammatory activity. Artemisinin, chamazulene, and thujone all exhibit robust antioxidant properties, with chamazulene being present in the highest concentrations, although this balance can shift depending on when the plant is harvested.
Aids digestion
Black walnut and wormwood supplements are most popular for their ability to soothe and regulate an inflamed digestive tract. In addition to balancing the gut’s microbiome and soothing pain and inflammation, black walnut hulls gently stimulate digestion, triggering a mild laxative effect.
The real star of the show, however, is wormwood. Studies show that wormwood’s anti-inflammatory compounds are effective in soothing the inflammation and impacts of irritable bowel syndrome. In one study, participants with Crohn’s disease were even able to reduce their steroid use following 8 weeks of wormwood supplementation.
Black Walnut and Wormwood Supplement Side Effects
Common side effects of black walnut and wormwood include:
- Stomach upset
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Black walnut is a known allergen and may cause itching, rash, runny eyes, coughing, runny nose, and (in extreme cases) anaphylaxis. If you suffer from a tree nut allergy, black walnut supplements should be avoided.
In high doses, wormwood’s active component, thujone, is highly toxic and may cause seizures, hallucinations, and kidney failure. Always follow the dosage instructions.
Individuals who are nursing or pregnant should avoid wormwood supplements as wormwood has been known to cause miscarriages.
Please consult your doctor for relevant drug interactions.
Where to Buy Black Walnut and Wormwood Supplements?
Looking for a Black Walnut and Wormwood supplement you can trust? MediHerb® by Standard Process Wormwood Complex offers high-quality digestive and inflammation support without the guesswork of an untested brand. For over 30 years, MediHerb® has been an industry leader in quality. Based in Australia, MediHerb® follows strict manufacturing and testing guidelines in accordance with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), meaning that every ingredient is rigorously scrutinized to ensure quality and purity.
You can purchase MediHerb® Wormwood Complex in our shop.