5 Red Beet Benefits for Athletes

Red beets: long celebrated for their color, taste, and versatility, are also an increasingly popular addition to athletic supplement stacks. Both athletes and average Americans can benefit from better nutrition as a path to better performance and health. Red beets, red beet powder, and other beet-derived supplements can be an excellent way to boost cardiovascular health, endurance, and muscle recovery. Keep reading to discover how red beets can benefit your athletic goals.
Red Beet Benefit #5: Better Circulation
One of the nutritional benefits of red beets is a high concentration of dietary nitrates, which help support better circulation and cardiovascular health. Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of dietary nitrates in the foods we eat: added nitrates and natural nitrates.
Added nitrates, like the ones found in deli meat, lack the antioxidant content to help the nitrates break down into healthy forms. Instead, added nitrates often break down into nitrosamines–chemicals that can, over time, increase the risk of cancer.
In comparison, natural nitrates typically appear alongside high amounts of Vitamin C and other antioxidant compounds which help them break down into nitric oxide. In the body, nitric oxide encourages circulation and may lower blood pressure, as well as aiding in the production of essential hormones.
Nitric Oxide and Circulation
When it comes to athletic performance, improved circulation often translates to improved performance. Think about it: the most critical function of our circulatory system is the transportation of nutrients, energy, and oxygen to muscles and organs. The better our circulation, the more oxygen can be transported to our muscles during strenuous exercise, cutting down on pain and supporting our strength.
Red Beet Benefit #4: Improved Endurance
A 2011 study demonstrated the impact of beet supplementation on exercise performance. During the study, nine cyclists were given either a high-quality beet supplement or a nitrate-depleted placebo before completing a cycling trial. Cyclists who took the beet supplement performed better during the trial, demonstrating both higher exercise tolerance and more efficient use of oxygen.
Other studies found that runners who ate beets before a trial run were able to run 0.4 km/hr faster than a placebo group and experienced less exertion.
The conclusion? Red beets and beet-based supplements can boost endurance, helping athletes last longer and perform better on the track, the field, or the court.

Red Beet Benefit #3: Faster Muscle Recovery
Yet another athletic benefit of beets lies in their ability to speed up post-exercise recovery. One of our favorite supplements for exercise recovery, red beets and beet-supplements have been shown to:
- Accelerate recovery of isometric strength 72 hours post-exercise
- Improve countermovement jump performance 24-72 hours post-exercise
- Raise pain pressure threshold 48 and 72 hours post-exercise
Translation? Across nine different studies beets and beet supplements improved lower body power, full body static strength, and the ability to withstand pain.
Again, researchers trace beetroot’s ability to support exercise recovery to its rich nitrate content. In the body, nitric oxide helps reduce inflammation, soothe oxidative stress, and stimulate muscle satellite cells–all factors which help reduce post-exercise pain and fatigue, while stimulating damaged muscle fibers to grow back stronger.
Red Beet Benefit #2: Powerful Antioxidant Properties
Along with nitrates and nitric oxide, red beet powder is high in betalain and polyphenols–antioxidant-rich compounds that help your body fight off free radical damage and oxidative stress.
When we undergo any kind of stress–mental, emotional, or the physical stress that comes with fighting through fatigue or even a tough workout–our body registers it as damage.
Other stressors, such as smoking, drinking, illness, or high sugar intake can also generate damage and inflammation. When this occurs, our cells carry out a number of processes in an attempt to heal, letting off free radicals.
Free radicals are unstable molecules that are looking for an electron. In a balanced body, enough antioxidants are present to donate electrons to free radical molecules, turning them into more stable forms. However, in an unbalanced body where antioxidants are lacking, free radicals will steal electrons from nearby cells, inflicting damage along the way.
The powerful antioxidants present in beets, primarily betalain, help fight free radical damage and soothe inflammation. For athletes, this can be particularly important, as exertion and strenuous workouts can generate significant inflammation and free radical damage.
Red Beet Benefit #1: Boost Energy Production
Move over coffee; beets might be the secret healthy, caffeine-free energy. Not only does red beet powder help the body use glycogen (stored glucose) more efficiently, it can power-up our mitochondria, improving energy production.
Within the cell, mitochondria break down certain nutrients to form ATP, the “energy molecule.” ATP is the general-use energy source that our cells use to function. When mitochondria are damaged, sluggish, or inefficient, their ability to produce ATP energy falters–leaving us feeling drained, weak, and exhausted.
By supporting our cells’ mitochondria, beets and beet powder supplements make it easier for them to turn glucose into energy. Additionally, the natural nitrate in beet powder supplements help the circulatory system transport valuable glucose further, faster.
Where to Buy Red Beet Supplements:
Our favorite red beet supplement is Dr. Eric Snow’s Red Beet Power. Made from 100% organic, fermented beets, Dr. Eric Snow’s Red Beet Power helps you power-up your workouts and your recovery. You can buy it in our online shop.